Mothers from all over the world have shared with me that attending playgrounds, music classes, gymnastics sessions, or mommy-and-me groups has become a lonely experience.
I’ve had both my children since moving to the US in early 2020 from Ireland. Practically every town in Ireland will have a ‘Mother and Baby’ group in the local town hall, not anything fancy but toys for babies and coffees for parents. I was so disappointed to find nothing like that here. While my friends at home were making new mom friends and finding new community and support, I was seeing the American equivalent was to take your baby to Target… Luckily I’ve since found local libraries to be helpful but again most of the friends I’ve met there are nannies (which are very rare in Ireland).
Why are mothers treated with such disregard in America? Maternity leave not protected or prioritised? Women who have just done the momentous task of creating life expected to instantly slot back into life as it was before? Women here need to stand up and demand better for themselves and for their children.
This is a great idea! BUT I strongly suggest you add an in-person component. Our bodies crave in person connection and while online connection is great, it's not a replacement. PLUS, I cannot spend copious amount of time on my phone or computer while caring for toddlers... to do so would be to conflict with the very values I (and you) espouse. Signed, an isolated SAHM of two
Definitely! Attachment Circles plans to have in-person materials and resources and expand into regional and national chapters with events and facilitators to facilitate in-person connection. However, at this point in our development, we are prioritizing programming and then can launch into events and in-person meetups.
I’ve had both my children since moving to the US in early 2020 from Ireland. Practically every town in Ireland will have a ‘Mother and Baby’ group in the local town hall, not anything fancy but toys for babies and coffees for parents. I was so disappointed to find nothing like that here. While my friends at home were making new mom friends and finding new community and support, I was seeing the American equivalent was to take your baby to Target… Luckily I’ve since found local libraries to be helpful but again most of the friends I’ve met there are nannies (which are very rare in Ireland).
Why are mothers treated with such disregard in America? Maternity leave not protected or prioritised? Women who have just done the momentous task of creating life expected to instantly slot back into life as it was before? Women here need to stand up and demand better for themselves and for their children.
This is a great idea! BUT I strongly suggest you add an in-person component. Our bodies crave in person connection and while online connection is great, it's not a replacement. PLUS, I cannot spend copious amount of time on my phone or computer while caring for toddlers... to do so would be to conflict with the very values I (and you) espouse. Signed, an isolated SAHM of two
Definitely! Attachment Circles plans to have in-person materials and resources and expand into regional and national chapters with events and facilitators to facilitate in-person connection. However, at this point in our development, we are prioritizing programming and then can launch into events and in-person meetups.
nice one. just wrote an article about "stay-at-hom-moms" and "working moms" and everything int between.
Thank you for saying this. This has absolutely been my experience as a stay at home parent.
I look forward to Attachment Circles opening up in the Fall. Hope this initiative works out