This is a conversation that needs to happen across our culture. Divorce hurts kids even when both parents stay involved.

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Yes. Yes they do.

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Just to say, I work in IT, and the day I can build a computer is also the day I learn to fly by flapping my arms 😅 Do you feel like putting out a tutorial??! Big up to you and your son...you must be beside yourself to watch him following in your footsteps and applying what you conveyed to him

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I'm sure there are step-by-step tutorials on YouTube but it's even better having someone showing you in person and explaining why you're doing what you're doing. I've actually built some computers for friends/co-workers before for fun.

But in all seriousness, yes, I am very proud of him.

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This is such an important point. But current culture for women it seems, at least on social media and mommy groups - is when a mother is thinking about divorce, the peanut gallery is all too happy to comment and say "go for it. if you're happier, your children will be happier... " blah blah blah. It's quite disheartening. And I feel bad for the kids - and their futures b/c their role model for a relationship is now faulty.

I also read posts that say they may want a divorce not b/c their husband is the devil or doing anything destructive - but simply b/c she doesn't "feel it" anymore...that her husband is a bit annoying or lazy or whatever. It's unbelievable! That current culture is saying it's okay to quit your marriage b/c you just don't think it's perfect.

These women will not find anything better elsewhere - although they think "fixing the husband" issue will fix their sad life. How about fixing themselves first? I guarantee that if they changed their own behaviors and attitudes, their husband and family life will improve.

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Adam, that was wonderful and this continuing series of discussions and theme are wonderful. As another commenter noted its an important discussion for our culture to have and in my mind its been ignored, glossed over or directly lied about for nearly my entire life. So...thank you for shining a light on this.

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Great article and video! It is so true, about the wounds. My mom was raised in an orphanage and my dad was in WWII and Korea. Both of them had a lot of baggage. For some strange reason, we tend to remember the bad things our parents said and did and forget the good things. My parents passed away decades ago, but I recently found a letter that said good things. I had completely forgotten the good things.

I am also bothered by the bad traits I got from my parents and my own sins. Thinking about it, I realized they got bad traits from their parents and their sins also.

Our brokenness can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve. The biblical worldview with our creation in the image of God, corruption, God's promise, the cross, resurrection, and coming recreation is the accurate view of past and soon to come history.

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